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Anchor 1

...Family photos and biblical pictures, new Bishop of Plymouth, help for Ukrainian refugees, Platinum Jubilee Lunch photos, new church wardens Phil and Kerrie, Sarah's new role, Summer of Love Feasts of Fun, church survey, wedding celebrations and Let's Talk About God: Mystery

...God's Repair Shop, Let's talk about God, Diocese of Exeter helping Ukrainian refugees, Easter services & activities, diary dates, notices and Sunday services programme for the summer.

...'Glory to God', Christmas week activities, GiveALittle, 'Leaked Email from the Archangel Gabriel’, Preaching Plan for Spring Term 2022.  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

...Old habits, regular routines, new opportunities and valued friendships, Duncan's ordination, team updates, Mercy Ships, What's On, Route 3:16 Community Bus plus a full update from St Pancras Knitters & Knit-A-Square.

...The riches of God's patience, Coronavirus update and unlocking plans (inc. Sunday services), What's On, Gift Aid reminder.

...Spirits made to be connected, diary dates, Thankyous, St Pancras Knitters (inc. knitting afternoons restarting), Knit-a-square news from S. Africa, plus a special prayer.

...New choices, events planned for May, StPs 'Hampsters', a message from Duncan & Beckie Hollands, Tearfund support, readings and sermons planned for summer term.

...Easter hope, Easter Week services, Annual Church Meeting and a welcome to new additions  of the St Pancras team.  A prayer for all affected by COVID-19.

...The crocus of hope, Lent Buddy, short service of songs, prayers and readings during Lent, the Municipal Charities of Plymouth, St Pancras Knitters update.

...Letting God's light shine, church services Jan-Mar, Kintsugi Hope course begins, events planned for February, money matters.

...Advent - the season of hope, returning to church, Christmas activities including Advent Window Trail, Church Hall Calendar, Carol Service, etc. and Emotional Logic.

...The beauty of God, Kintsugi Hope Mental & Spiritual Wellbeing Course, Plans for Advent

...Thankfulness, Feast of Fun At Home, Knit-a-Square

...Good news for our city, Cake Bake Saturday, Plymouth Foodbank, St Lukes, Praying the Psalms

...Thy Kingdom Come, Knit-a-Square, Something Spiritual Is Stirring (Peter Greig, 24/7 Prayer Movement)

...Reaching for love, Bishop Nick McKinnel joins StP service, Daily Hope Prayer Line, Mercy Ships

...In Jesus, God says 'yes' to us, Easter Appeal, Working and Praying during Coronavirus 

...Easter celebrations, Welcome to Rev. Sarah Sharland, Plymouth Foodbank PC course, Emergency Food Hampers

St Pancras Newsletters


Keep up-to-date with all our news, activities and plans.

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