Bridging the Gap Ladies’ Evening Socials
The St Pancras ladies normally meet together monthly for a social activity, generally on the second Monday. All female members and friends are welcome.
A typical year includes established favourites in our programme, including watching films, barbecues, Christmas crafts and quizzes. We also enjoy occasional contributions from visiting speakers and sometimes a themed evening, for example a Chinese-themed evening following a visit to China by one of our members.
The invitation to our events is sometimes extended to gentlemen and in particular we have had large mixed audiences for talks by local artist and historian, Chris Robinson.
We meet at the beginning of the year to plan our events, after which the Programme is available on the church website. The church Facebook page is also updated on a regular basis to give further details of each event.
Throughout the year we continue to support Plymouth Foodbank by bringing something from its list of most needed items to each meeting.
If you are interested in joining in the fun, please contact Mary Davis on or via Contact Us.